Prayer For Our Nation

Prayer For Our Nation


I believe we have a lot to be concerned about as it relates to the future of our nation. The obvious trends are away from God, and toward an ever downward spiral into a relativistic, increasingly more “tolerant” society. Our American culture now accepts the devaluation of life, the challenging of religious liberties, and the rejection of common goodness, as a normal way to view life.


Consider the following list:


  • The integrity of the family as God’s original creative plan to be the living demonstration of  His life and love in marriage, as well as His Christian Church, is under attack because of the accepted belief that marriage is no longer sacred or defined exclusively as between one man and one woman.


  • Unborn babies being brutally slaughtered by the thousands in the distortion of “freedom of choice.”


  • Also in the name of personal freedom, from Senators to children; pride, personal agendas, and arrogant insolence rule create divisions and compromises that destroy the very peace and sanity we are hoping to bring to our world.


  • Apathy has replaced the caring and compassion that once were signs of “the common good” that helped to set us apart as a Christian Nation.


While I am deeply saddened by the sin and evil that seems to rule our general population, I am also encouraged because we are still a blessed Nation because God wants to use us as His agents of freedom and grace in the world.


There are still millions of Christians in the U.S.A. who can, through prayer, turn the tide back to God and His Truth. Our weapon of prayer is mighty through God for the pulling down of those attitudes and behavior patterns that trying to destroy our Nation.


Join the thousands across America who are fasting and praying for the will and purposes of God to be fulfilled. In the unity of the Spirit of God, we can, together in prayer cooperate with God and cause a great pouring out of His Spirit upon our Nation. Change in your life and the lives of those within your sphere of influence will also occur simultaneously in our Nation. Let’s get in the mighty flow of prayer together.


Paul Bersche